Sunday 4 May 2014

Cool Notepad Tricks Part-1

In this post i am going to show you some cool Notepad trick which can be used in your Windows PC. See below for trick and their tutorials.
                                      Notepad Tricks Collection by

Trick-1: Matrix Effect 

Matrix effect is basically number flashes in green color. In this trick i will show you how to create matrix effect in command prompt window using Notepad.


  1. Open Notepad.
    Right Click > New > Text Document
  2. Copy the below code in Notepad.

    @echo off
    color 02
    echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
    goto start

  3. Now save this file as 'Matrix.bat' [ .bat extension is must]
  4. Double click the file 'Matrix.bat' and you will see the matrix effect.
                             Notepad Tricks Collection by

Trick-2: Make Personal Diary/ Log Book

Here i will show you how to use notepad as Digital Diary or Log book to keep records.


  1. Open Notepad.
    Right Click > New > Text Document
  2. On the first line of Notepad type .LOG (In Capital letters) and after that type anything that you want.
    Then save the file.
  3. Now whenever you Open/Edit this file it will record the date and time. And show you the Date and time of last modification.
                                Notepad Tricks Collection by

Trick-3: World Trade Center Attack 

The flight number of the plane that had hit the World Trade Center on 9/11 (See Here) was 'Q33NY'. You can call this trick a coincidence or something else but you will definitely be amazed by this trick.


  1. Open Notepad.
    Right Click > New > Notepad
  2. Type "Q33N" (without quotes and in capital letters).
  3. In upper menu, Select Format and make these changes and click 'OK'
    FontWingdings  Font StyleRegular  Size72 
  4. Now see your Notepad file again.

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